About Ben Bozzay


I'm a developer who works mostly with web technologies and also happens to have an obsession with growing online businesses. I enjoy the challenge of bootstrapping a startup, which means I'm always looking for ways to increase leverage and grow sustainably through organic growth techniques.

I'm currently building Tech Lockdown, a SaaS product that helps people block unwanted online content and protect against online security threats. This website has been growing steadily over the past year.

Plausible Analytics


Previously, I worked at CrowdStrike on their Ecommerce team, where I focused on developing SaaS checkout experiences and building solutions to scale marketing efforts.

In 2017, I co-founded Fullstack Digital, a web agency that helped companies grow their online presence. We led the development of Dr Joaquin Farias' Dystonia Recovery Program, the world's leading platform for dystonia rehabilitation. We also had the opportunity to work with notable companies like Dell Technologies and Quantum on various web projects.
